Pittsford READS is a program focused on building community connections through books, storytelling and reading. Maclure Library, Lothrop Elementary School, and OMYA collaborate to bring a community partner to Lothrop Elementary School for an interactive visit.
For our March Pittsford READS event, Maclure Library reached out to the Pittsford Fire Department. Pittsford Fire Chief Bill Hemple and Stephane Goulet, a Pittsford Police Officer and volunteer Pittsford Fire Department Member, responded to the call!
They visited Lothrop Elementary School on March 2nd in full gear and read to students from kindergarten through third grade. Chief Hemple and Officer Goulet engaged the students in a question-and-answer session then helped hand out a brand new book to each student to keep for their home library.

Photo provided by Maclure Library
Pittsford READS is a collaborative event that helps to connect students to their community and ensures our local children have access to books in their home.
Pittsford READS is generously funded by OMYA, hosted by Lothrop Elementary School and facilitated by Maclure Library.