The faces of members of the Pittsford Police Department will be getting fuzzy in the coming months for a good cause. The officers will be growing beards for a special camp that helps kids who suffer from cancer.
Middlebury Police Officer Darrin Hinterneder originally started the “Deer Camp Beards for Kids with Cancer” effort. Participating officers will be allowed to grow beards as long as they make a cash contribution to the South Hero-based Camp Ta-Kum-Ta.
The camp provides respite, fun activities and support to children afflicted with cancer, and their families.
“We have started to grow beards,” said Pittsford Police Chief Mike Warfle. “Each officer is donating $50 and our female officer is also involved (in a different way) and will donate to help the children.”
The Pittsford Police Department will have a donation jar in the town office for residents who would also like to make a donation for the camp.
This is the fourth year of the “Deer Camp Beards” program, but the first year that Pittsford will be participating. Along with the Middlebury Police Department, other participating agencies include the Addison County Sheriff’s Department and the Bristol Police Department. The Rutland County Sheriff’s Department joined last year, and other law enforcement agencies statewide are considering signing on to the program.
“Some of my officers had goatees, but we don’t usually have full beards,” Warfle said. “We feel that this is a great cause to help children and it is hunting season for some of my guys.”