Proctor to hold special Town Meeting to approve $330,000 bond vote


The Proctor selectboard approved a resolution to call a special town meeting and ask for a $330,000 bond vote to provide renovations to the office and install a wheelchair lift and repair a falling front wall at their Monday meeting.

The special town meeting will be held on June 3. There will be a floor vote to approve moving $90,000 from the town reserve fund to the building fund and an Australian ballot vote will be held the next day to approve the $330,000 bond initiative.

At Town Meeting in March, residents voted down a bond for $161,000 to accomplish some of that work, with many saying that if the selectboard were going to spend money on making the town office look better, they would like to see it become fully ADA compliant. This bond vote would accomplish that.


The Proctor Town Office will be closed the week of April 29, as work will be done to correct an air quality issue that was found months ago. Several complaints over the past year initiated an investigation into the air quality in the town office building, which resulted in a ruling that the town must fix the issue to comply with VOSHA standards.

The clerk will move operations upstairs to the meeting hall for the week that the office is closed, although there will be no vault access for deeds and birth certificate requests.

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