March Magic sales event in Brandon

On March 30, Brandon area businesses are planning a “March Magic” sales event that signals the end of winter and a welcome to spring.

Bernie Carr, executive director of the Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce, announced the sales event saying that for many people “March is all about cabin fever, cold, snowy days and people itching for nice weather.” To counter that, he said, local businesses would be offering “a day of special offers to blast away the doldrums” and that many businesses would be offering “great discounts on the big sale day.”

“We want to get our winter-weary friends and neighbors out and about,” Carr said, and encourage them to “join in and have some fun. Let’s jumpstart spring, clear out the winter merchandise, check out the new spring products, grab a bite and a toddy and give us all a reason to walk the streets and smile. Get pampered, try a new hair style, get a snazzy tattoo, a massage or pedicure, do some Easter shopping then grab a bite to eat. It’s a a long winter coming to an end, so let’s party!”

Carr noted that an added incentive was the BUZZ card promotion, adding that the group has paid out over $3,000 for completed cards in only 3 months along with their first of two grand prizes of $2019.07.

“Residents support of Brandon businesses after a long winter will go far in keeping a vibrant and active downtown and a successful Brandon/Forest Dale village,” Carr said, adding to watch for more details of the event in ads in The Reporter in the next two weeks.

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